Our lagoon is a precious natural resource and when I was a teacher, my 4th graders would take a fieldtrip to study the flora and fauna in and around the lagoon to understand how everything is connected and how our actions can either improve or harm the environment. West Melbourne is going to be building its own water plant as a way to address the water quality issues that have occurred in the past, which I think we should prioritize in the budget.
Additionally, I want to continue supporting the reuse water program and new scrubbers that will be used to address the high levels of nitrates being washed into our sewers and canals, which eventually enter the lagoon and harm the environment. Some of our houses are older and using and have septic systems that are causing runoff so I am encouraging people to participate in the septic-to-sewer conversions. By drilling wells and utilizing new equipment in the water plant, the runoff that goes into the lagoon should be decreased, as well as being a solid investment for the city’s future.